Saturday, October 1, 2011

Georgie Loves The Outdoors

She really does. She'll even sit outside in the rain, if necessary. I think she's handling her first summer pretty well.

Friday, August 12, 2011

R.I.P. Brown Chair

I came home from work today to this wonderful surprise.

This was once the cushion on Georgie's favourite brown chair.

Do you remember in Charlotte's Web when she died and all the baby spiders sprang from her rotting corpse? This feels like that.

Georgie feels bad about it. Right?



Cushion to cushion, dust to dust. Amen.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Georgie Goes On Vacation

At the ferry!

In the car!

Still in the car!

Napping in the car.

Going for a pee!

Learning about the ocean!

Going into the very (VERY!) small waves against her will.

Happy, mountainous dog!

Moments before we knocked over the cup of tea on the left.

Sleeping on the bed is better than the floor!