Thursday, April 28, 2011

At The Lake

We took Georgie to the lake on Friday since neither of us had to work. It's such a beautiful place to be.

This is the closest Georgie got to going in the water. She...doesn't know what to do about the water yet.

Georgie is not terribly good at focusing at the best of times.

Really...really terrible.

And excited.

But like most puppies, activities wear her out.

Big time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rainy Walk

The unfortunate part is that you can't see how incredibly muddy she is.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Someone Is Too Big For Her Bed

Not that she was ever small enough for her bed. At least not since we've had her.




Monday, April 25, 2011

Losing Teefs

Georgie has been teething hard lately and in the last few days as lost four teeth. I'm beginning to think she won't have any teeth left to eat with.

I don't know a lot about raising or training dogs but one thing I would recommend in this situation if YOUR dog is teething and his or her teeth are falling out, give them some ice to chew on. A) they think it's a treat and 2) it's FREE. More or less. It'll help soothe the teethingness.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

One Tired Puppy

We took Georgie to a puppy class so she could interact with other puppies.

She was the biggest one there by about 30 lbs.

At least she could fend off the humping puppy and the barking puppy. However, the smallest puppy – Georgie thought it was a moving play-thing.

Puppy Class: 0

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Laying Down The Law

This is about as much of Georgie as is allowed on the couch these days. She is less than pleased.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Couch

Georgie isn't allowed up on the couch.

But sometimes the couch is so lonely without her.

And then she turns to look at us.

It's hard to say no sometimes.

I mean, she's so warm and fluffy.

I think we've lost a battle here.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I don't think she tries to be cute.

She just doesn't know how to be any other way.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Caught In The Act

I don't blame her, really.

I wouldn't want to lay on a hard floor either.

If we had nicer things it might be different. But we don't. So it isn't.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Georgie is a very smart dog and needs her brain to be soothed. Sometimes when we aren't around to help her sooth out those wrinkles she goes about doing it herself.

She's not a bad dog, per se, just...a dog.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To Be Young Again

Remember when you were a kid and you could fall asleep anywhere? No? Me either. It must have been nice, though.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When Durable Toys Go Wrong

Let's be realistic: dogs have teeths. Many, many teeths.

So when we were looking for toys for Georgie we were looking for something durable, teeths-resistant. Then we saw the Wubba Kong. The package said, "Durable, reinforced nylon fabric". Georgie will LOVE this. And she does. Did.

This is what the Wubba Kong looked like when we got it. Colourful! Not unlike some sort of children's TV show! Dangly bits!

Less than a week did that poem go?

Here Lies Lester Moore
Shot 4 times with a .44
No Less
No More

So yes, something to that degree.

So I emailed the Kong company and told them about what happened. I know all toys can't be perfect but it wasn't a cheap toy and I'd rather her chew on that boots. The Kong company emailed me back with an offer for a rebate so we will be able to get her another chew toy!

Georgie is so pleased.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's Play A Guessing Game

Which one of these things is not like the others? I'll give you two guesses.

No, it's not the red thing. One more guess.

If you guessed the boot, you are correct.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


When there's only one ray of sunshine coming in the room everybody has to share.

Even if you're sharing with the table.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Georgie Goes For A Visit

This last weekend is the first time we've left Georgie home, alone, in someone's house that isn't our own. She did great. No pee and nothing destroyed = two thumbs up in my books.

She also met her Sort-Of-Sister, my parent's dog Koala. Georgie loooooves Koala. Koala doesn't feel the same way but is a tolerant dog. And old. So.

We had to show the family how Georgie loves to howl (when you get her going) and yes, I will probably regret this later but so far it hasn't become a bad habit. Yet.

Try disciplining this face. Go ahead. Seriously. It's HARD.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Draft Catcher

Georgie has many talents: being cute, being destructive, being under foot. Today we discovered that she is also eco-friendly by saving the heat in the house. This draft catcher is not only energy efficient, it also cleans the floors!

I'd say this is unusual, but it isn't.

This is just how she likes to sleep sometimes.

As long as she doesn't come home drunk and fall asleep like this, I'm fine with it. She looks part praying mantis in this photo, no?