Thursday, March 31, 2011

Photo Journal of Georgie's First Days

Here are some pictures of our first days with Georgie the Dog photo-journal-style.

In the car on the ride home.

Exhausted from all the traffic.

Going for our first walk. Georgie does not like the leash.


Celebrating with the birthday man himself.

Helping me in my studio. If helping meant "Come and pet me all day."

First bath. Even treats aren't worth going into the tub.

Playing on the carpet (which is also her second favourite chew-thing)

Sleepy time. Seriously, she's sleeping.


So it begins!

We picked up Georgie from her amazing foster mom on Sunday. She barely made a sound as we drove the hour home through traffic and loud, large vehicles. Though Georgie was use to traveling, she was not so use to big cars and especially not the city.

We brought her home and showed her the house. She made herself comfortable right away. We then took her to her new Grandparents house for a birthday celebration. Georgie got to meet her two new cousins Ruby and Leon who are brother and sister.

Georgie quickly discovered that sitting at the edge of the kitchen was the place to be. She also has learned that looking up at you with her big, glossy brown eyes is a good way to get pettings.